BCYCLET After Work Rides – Season 2023

This is the archive of the 2023 rides, feel free to use the routes for your inspiration 🙂


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride 2023 #FINALE
It looks like the weather on October 18 will be more autumnly, but still dry. Ideal conditions for the End-of-Season-Ride and Fondue!

What does this entail? A short ride, followed by a Fondue at Sa Da Ra in the Bois de la Bâtie. While you don’t need to sign up for the ride, we need to reserve the Fondue before. Please fill out the following Doodle till Friday this week, so we know how many people are coming. https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/egkpvB3e

Can you come just for the Fondue? Yes, of course! The Fondue will start at 19h30, if you cannot get out from work earlier or cannot ride for some reason, you are very welcome just for the cheesy part!

What does it cost? Unfortunately, cheese is not free in Switzerland. If I remember correctly, the Fondue is 25 CHF per person, beverages depending on consumption.

Does end-of-season mean no more rides? We cannot do After Work Rides after mid-October, it gets too dark too early. But there will be Saturday Rides, Sunday Rides, Weekend Rides, and plenty of other opportunities to ride our bikes. Also, BCYCLET has some Saris trainers on sale, if you are looking to ride stationary indoors!

Route 18.10.2023


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride 2023 #23
An All-Swiss route for the last regular ride of the season. Across the Rhone, up the Chateauvieux ramp, through the vineyards, and back via Russin & Cartigny. Shorter route possible if preferred. Post-ride beverages at the Centre sportif des Cherpines.
39km//400m+ or 34km//330m+
Route 11.10.2023


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride 2023 #22
More than half of the climbing this week is on the first 8km to Blécheins. Then the route follows as much as possible tiny roads clockwise around Saint-Julien-en Genevois before crossing into Switzerland at Sézegnin. Post-ride beverages at Sa Da Ra
Route 04.10.2023


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride 2023 #21
A quick loop around CERN & the airport. Post-ride beverages at the Centre sportif des Cherpines.
Route 27.09.2023


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride 2023 #20
A short ride on the backroads beyond Saint-Julien-en-Genevois. Post-ride beverages at Sa Da Ra
Route 20.09.2023


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride 2023 #19
Soral, Avusy, Chancy, Farges, the first half of the ride leads straight to the West. A few kilometres along the foot of the Jura follow, before we come back to Geneva with a twist through Dardagny, Les Baillets, and Russin.
Route 13.09.2023
Route Short 14.09.2023


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride 2023 #19
CANCELLED because of injuries & work travel


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride 2023 #18
To account for the unstable weather, a short ride this week. Over the Rhone, a quick dip into France, and back to Plan-les-Ouates. Post-ride beverages exceptionally at the Centre sportif des Cherpines.
Route 30.08.2023


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride 2023 #17
A short flat ride finishing at the lake to make riding in the heat wave bearable. Post-ride beverages somewhere along the lake front!
Route 23.08.2023


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride 2023 #16
One for the puncheurs! No less than six short, but more or less steep climbs are on the route tonight. Watch out for cramps!
Route 16.08.2023


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride 2023 #15
A short ride in the Western Canton of Geneva. Some of us are going to race the BCYCLET Inferno Race on the weekend, so this is a taper-friendly, easy ride.
Route 09.08.2023


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride 2023 #14
CANCELLED because of storm warning


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride 2023 #13
A grand Classic! Up to Le Coin, then along the foot of the Saleve with stunning views to Présilly. Next, a sweeping descent to Chancy, and the rolling road back to Geneva.
Route 26.07.2023


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride 2023 #12
It is vineyard time (and waving hello to Regis’ horses). Satigny, Thoiry, then a short, punchy hill (ideal to break 1000watts outdoors, Joe!), back to Switzerland in Dardagny, and to Geneva via La Plaine.
Route 19.07.2023


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride 2023 #11
CANCELLED because of storm


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride 2023 #10


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride 2023 #9
Another week, another Salève climb, but this time the family-friendly version: Yes, nevertheless up the Croisette, but then straight over it and back to Geneva through Veyrier.
Route 28.06.2023


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride 2023 #8
This is the longest day of the year – so we do our longest Wednesday Ride. Up the Croisette and (!) the Pitons, then descending via Saint Blaise towards Geneva, which we reach through Soral. Post-ride beverages exceptionally at the Centre sportif des Cherpines.
Route 21.06.2023


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride 2023 #7
I tried to find a route where everyone has at least a short bit of new road he has not ridden on before. We climb to Le Coin – but via the Country Club Bossey, then pass Blécheins, and (mostly) descend through Le Châble, Malchamp, Éluiset, and Germagny, before coming back to Switzerland via Sézegnin, and closing the loop through Athenaz and Avully.
Route 14.06.2023


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride 2023 #6
Route 07.06.2023


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride 2023 #5
Continuing along the foot of the Jura where we left it last week, we pass Thoiry, Saint-Jean-de-Gonville, and Péron, before climbing back up to Challex and return to Switzerland through Cartigny.
Route 31.05.2023


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride 2023 #4
The route will take us on a big loop counter-clockwise around the airport. Concentration will be required for the first few kilometres in city traffic, then we leave Geneva through Grand-Saconnex. On the French side of the border, Segny, Crozet, and Thoiry are on the parcours, before we come back into Switzerland through Satigny.
Route 24.05.2023


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride
CANCELLED because of storm


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride 2023 #3
The climbing is quite frontloaded this week – after 10km in Le Coin, we will have done most of it already! Then we explore some of the backroads behind St Julien, and return to Geneva through Sézegnin and Laconnex.
Route 10.05.2023


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride 2023 #2
We will cross to the north side of the Rhone and enjoy some climbs in the vineyards between Satigny, Russin, Dardagny, and Challex.
Route 03.05.2023


BCYCLET Wednesday After Work Ride 2023 #1
We will start with a short & easy ride – 40km//350m+ towards the south western corner of Geneva.
Route 26.04.2023